
Showing posts from August, 2017

Introduction~ Written as I sit in Starbucks trying to be something I'm not.

"Hello friend", I suppose that's all I'm going to start with right now, until I think about something more meaningful to post on this blog. My reason for creating this blog? As put in my introduction, I am an extreme introvert- but I am so argumentative that it hurts and I have opinions about almost everything...Yet, I'm also scared of confrontation and of being assertive. Secondly, this blog was made to document my life as an extremely antisocial person (and no, I'm not the "cool" type of antisocial- I'm the type that wears hoods and sunglasses whenever possible, spends hours revisiting situations where I say all the things I should have said, but will stutter in almost every sentence I attempt to make if I am forced into a conversation) and perhaps document my recovery or metamorphosis from social anxiety if I ever do change. Put shortly, I made this blog to track my progress, document my life, and assert myself while remaining anonymous.